Nana - a C++ framework project The Programmer's Guide |
nana::gui::API::root Description Retrieves the native window of a Nana.GUI window. Prototype nana::gui::native_window_type root(nana::gui::window wnd); Parameters wnd: a handle to the Nana.GUI window. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is the native window handle to the Nana.GUI window. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Remarks The native window type is platform-dependent. Under Microsoft Windows, a conversion can be employed between nana::gui::native_window_type and HWND through reinterpret_cast operator. Under X System, a conversion can be employed between nana::gui::native_window_type and Window through reinterpret_cast operator. See also None. Move to The Nana Programmer's Guide Application Programming Interface Overviews |