Nana C++ Library An open-source C++ framework project The Programmer's Guide |
basis Description There are some predefined value or type for basic construction. Model of None Public base classes None Typedefs nana::gui::cursor members: hand, displays a hand to indicate a text or an element is clickable. arrow, the default shape. wait, indicates the system currently is busy. iterm, displays a caret to indicate the UI is inputable. size_we, size_ns, size_top_left, size_top_right, size_bottom_left, size_bottom_right nana::gui::mouse members: any_button, none of a mouse button is specified. left_button, left mouse button is specified. middle_button, middle mouse button is specified. right_button, right mouse button is specified. nana::gui::z_order_action members: none, bottom, brings a window at the bottom of z-order. top, brings a widget at the top of the z-order. topmost, brings a window at the top of the z-order and stays here. foreground, brings a window to the foreground. Predefined Values File nana/gui/basis.hpp Notes None. See also None. Move to The Nana Programmer's Guide Main Page |