Nana - a C++ framework project  

The Programmer's Guide 


A checkbox.

Model of

Widget Window 

Public base classes

class widget_object<widget_tag>: public widget


checkbox() The default construction
checkbox(window wd, bool visible) Creates a checkbox.
checkbox(window wd, const nana::string& title, bool visible = true) Ditto.
checkbox(window wd, const nana::char_t* title, bool visible = true) Ditto.
checkbox(window wd, const rectangle& r = rectangle(), bool visible = true) Ditto.
bool checked() const Determines whether the checkbox is checked.
void check(bool) Check/Uncheck.
void radio(bool) Enables or disables the radio check mode.
void react(bool) Enables the reverse check while clicking on the checkbox.
bool transparent() const Returns true if the checkbox background is transparent mode.
void transparent(bool value) Switch the checkbox to the transparent background mode.




1. It is not good efficient that the background mode is transparent.

2. With the radio mode, users make a choice among a set of mutually exclusive, ralated options. Users can choose one and only one option. There is a helper class manages checkboxs for radio mode, see radio_group.

See also


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