The listbox is a rectangle containing a list of strings from which the user can
Widget Window
Public base classes
class widget_object<widget_tag, DrawerTrigger>:
template<typename T> class resolver_interface |
An interface for the item resolver. (See Note 1) |
size_type |
An unsigned integer type. |
index_pair_t |
A pair type. |
cat_proxy |
A category proxy type used to access the categories. |
item_proxy |
An item proxy type used to access the items of a category. |
selection |
A container type for items. |
listbox() |
The default construction. |
listbox(window wd, bool visible) |
Creates a listbox. |
listbox(window wd, const rectangle& r = rectangle(), bool visible = true) |
Ditto. |
template<typename T>
void anyobj(size_type catg, size_type index, const T& t) |
Sets an object for the specified item. |
template<typename T>
T* anyobj(size_type categ, size_type index) |
Returns the address of the object. |
template<typename T>
T* anyobj(size_type categ, size_type index) const |
Returns the address of the object. |
void append_header(const nana::string& text, unsigned width) |
Appends an item into header column with the text and the specified width. |
cat_proxy append(const nana::string&) |
Appends a new category at the end. |
cat_proxy at(std::size_t pos) const |
Returns a proxy which refers to the pos'th category. |
item_proxy at(std::size_t pos, std::size_t index) const |
Returns a proxy which refers to the index'th item in the pos'th category. |
void auto_draw(bool) |
Set the listbox auto-draw state. If it is true, the listbox will redraw automatically
after an operation. |
void checkable(bool) |
Enables or disables the checkable state of the listbox. |
selection checked() const |
Returns the items which are checked. |
void clear(size_t cat) |
Removes the items which are in a specified category. |
void clear() |
Removes the items of all categories. |
item_proxy erase(item_proxy) |
Erases an item. |
void erase(size_type cat) |
Erases a category. |
void erase() |
Erases all categories. |
void icon(size_type cat, size_type pos, const nana::paint::image&) |
Sets an icon for a specified item. |
nana::paint::image icon(size_type cat, size_type pos) const |
Gets an icon of a specified item. |
void insert(size_t cat, size_t pos, const nana::string&) |
Insert a new item. |
void move_select(bool upwards) |
Selects an item besides the current selected item. |
template<typename Resolver>
void resolver(const Resolver&) |
Sets an item resolver. |
set_sort_compare |
Refer to the C++03/11 members. |
selection selected() const |
Get the indexs of all the selected items. |
void show_header(bool) |
Set the visible of header column. |
size_type size_categ() const |
Get the number of category item. |
size_type size_item() const |
Returns the number of default category item. |
size_type size_item(size_type categ) const |
Returns the number of items which are the specified cateory. |
bool visible_header() const |
Retrieves the visible of header column. |
C++03 Members
void set_sort_compare(size_type subindex, nana::functor<bool(
const nana::string&,
const nana::string&,
nana::any*, bool reverse)>& strick_ordering) |
Sets a strick weak ordering comparer for a column. (See Note 4) |
C++11 Members
void set_sort_compare(size_type subindex,
const nana::string&,
const nana::string&,
nana::any*, bool reverse)> strick_ordering) |
Sets a strick weak ordering comparer for a column. (See Note 4) |
Category Proxy (on concept of Input Iterator)
template<typename T>
item_proxy append(const T& t) |
Appends a new item, and the object 't' will be resolved by current resolver. |
std::size_t columns() const |
Return the number of columns. |
void push_back(const nana::string&) |
Inserts a new item at the end. |
void push_back(nana::string&&) since C++11 |
item_proxy begin() const |
Returns an item_proxy referring to the beginning of the category. |
item_proxy end() const |
Returns an item_proxy referring to the end of the category. |
item_proxy cbegin() const |
Returns an item_proxy referring to the beginning of the category. |
item_proxy cend() const |
Returns an item_proxy referring to the end of the category. |
item_proxy at(std::size_t pos) const |
Returns an item_proxy referring to the pos'th item. |
std::size_t size() const |
Returns the number of items. |
Item Proxy (on the concept of Input Iterator)
item_proxy & bgcolor(nana::color_t) |
Set the background color for the item. |
nana::color_t bgcolor() const |
Get the background color of the item. |
item_proxy& fgcolor(nana::color_t) |
Set the foreground color of the item. |
nana::color_t fgcolor() const |
Get the foreground color of the item. |
item_proxy& check(bool) |
Check/Uncheck the item. |
bool checked() const |
Determinte whether the item is checked. |
std::size_t columns() const |
Returns the number of columns. |
std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> pos() const |
Returns the index pair of the item. |
template<typename T> item_proxy & resolve(const T& t) |
Set the item with the specified object t, and the t will be resolved by current resolver. |
template<typename T> T resolver() const |
Get a T object which is resolved by the item. |
item_proxy & select(bool) |
Select the item. |
bool selected() const |
Determines whether the item is selected. |
item_proxy & text(std::size_t pos, const nana::string&) |
Set the text of a specified column. |
item_proxy & text(std::size_t pos, nana::string&&) since C++11 |
Set the text of a specified column. |
nana::string text(std::size_t pos) const |
Get the text of a specified column. |
template<typename T> T* value_ptr() const |
Returns an address of the user object. If the user object is empty or the specified type is mismatched, it returns a nullptr. |
template<typename T> T& value() const |
Returns a reference of the user object. If the user object is not existing or the specified type is mismatched, it throws an exception. |
template<typename T> item_proxy & value(const T&) |
Set a user object. |
bool operator==(const nana::string& s) const |
Returns true when the text of the first column is equal to the s. |
bool operator==(const char* s) const |
Ditto. |
bool operator==(const wchar_t* s) const |
Ditto. |
1, The resolver is used to resolute an object of the specified type for a listbox item.
#include <nana/gui/wvl.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/listbox.hpp>
struct person
nana::string name;
bool gender;
unsigned age;
class resolver
: public nana::gui::listbox::resolver_interface<person>
nana::string decode(std::size_t i, const person& pr) const
std::stringstream ss;
case 0:
case 1:
return (pr.gender ? STR("Male") : STR("Female"));
case 2:
return nana::charset(ss.str());
return nana::string();
void encode(person& pr, std::size_t i, const nana::string& s)
std::stringstream ss;
case 0: = s;
case 1:
pr.gender = (s == STR("Male"));
case 2:
int main()
using namespace nana::gui;
form fm;
listbox lb(fm, nana::rectangle(10, 10, 280, 120));
lb.append_header(STR("Name"), 100);
lb.append_header(STR("Gender"), 60);
lb.append_header(STR("Age"), 60);
lb.resolver(resolver()); //Pass the user defined resolver to the listbox
person pr; = STR("Peter");
pr.gender = true;
pr.age = 10;; //person to item. resolver::decode() is required, 0).resolve_to(pr); //item to person. resolver::encode() is required;
2, The user object is an object which needs to be associated with an item.
int main()
using namespace nana::gui;
form fm;
listbox lb(fm, nana::rectangle(10, 10, 280, 120));
lb.append_header(STR("Header"), 200);
lb.append_item(STR("double"));, 0).value(10);, 1).value(0.1);
int i =, 0).value<int>();
throws an exception if there is not an int object to be bound.
int * p =, 0).value_ptr<double>(); //it returns a nullptr if there is not an double object to be bound.;
3, A sort compare is used for sorting the items. It is a strick weak ordering comparer that must meet the requirement:
Irreflexivity(comp(x, x) returns false) and antisymmetry(comp(a, b) != comp(b, a) returns true)
A simple example.
bool sort_compare(const nana::string& s1, nana::any*, const nana::string& s2, nana::any*, bool reverse)
return (reverse ? s1 > s2 : s1 < s2);
listbox.set_sort_compare(0, sort_compare);
The listbox supports attaching a customer's object for each item, therefore the items can be sorted by comparing these customer's object.
bool sort_compare(const nana::string&, nana::any* o1, const nana::string&, nana::any* o2, bool reverse)
if(o1 && o2) //some items may not attach a customer object.
int * i1 = o1->get<int>();
int * i2 = o2->get<int>();
return (i1 && i2 && (reverse ? *i1 > *i2 : *i1 < *i2)); //some types may not be int.
return false;
}, 0).value(10); //the type of customer's object is int., 0).value(20);
See also
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