Nana - a C++ framework project  

The Programmer's Guide 


A picture widget is rectangle area for displaying a bitmap file. 

Model of

Widget Window 

Public base classes

class widget_object<widget_tag>: public widget


picture() The default construction
picture(window wd, bool visible) Creates a picture widget.
picture(window wd, const rectangle& r = rectangle(), bool visible = true) Ditto.
void load(const nana::char_t* filename) Loads a image file.
void load(const nana::paint::image& img) Loads a image file.
void bgstyle(bool stretchable, nana::arrange arg, int beg, int end) Sets the background image style, the parameter arg, beg and end will be ignored if stretchable is false. The parameter arg stands for stretching the image horizontally or vertically.The beg and end parameter specify the stretchy area of image.
void set_shadow_background(nana::color_t beg, nana::color_t end, bool horizontal) Fills a gradual change color in background.
void transparent(bool) Enables or disables the transparent background.
bool transparent() const Returns true if the background is transparent.





See also


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